
Boy howdy that Hamilton musical sure is good ain’t it (or at least the album’s great fun to listen to)

There’s was one part of ‘The Room Where It Happens’ that I could envision clearly & so I tried putting it down to paper! I recommend you read it while listening to the music, even if this is only a small part of the song!!




non-non-stop [v x x x x x]

…….forced to stop, forget nonstop XDXDXDXD


LSSC | 2016.07.21 | Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk

Here’s where we are. Either Lumpy and his friends are lying about being bothered by thin-skinned, authoritarian, less-than-Christian, readers of prompters being president, or they don’t care. As long as it’s their thin-skinned, authoritarian, tyrant, narcissist.

Jon dusts off the desk, tie, and not-quite-fitting suit jacket to come at Fox News, and Sean Hannity’s blatant hypocrisy. And Arby’s. For old times’ sake. 

wtf lol hey there the Schuyler Sisters

Bernie Sanders on voting for Hillary:

Bernie: YO
Bernie: The people are asking to hear my voice
Bernie: the country is facing a difficult choice
Bernie: and if you were to ask me who I’d promote….
Bernie:……Hillary has my vote
Bernie: I’ve never agreed with Hillary once
Bernie: We’ve fought on like 75 different fronts
Bernie: but when all is said and all is done
Bernie: Hillary has beliefs. Trump has NONE.

I Know Him [Brexit remix]


[to the tune of ‘I Know Him’]

They say…
David Cameron is yielding his power – And stepping away
Britain left the eu
I wasn’t aware that was something a country could do
I’m perplexed
Are they going to keep on replacing whoever’s in charge,
If so who’s next?
Of all of the people it could be I hope it’s not Farage…

Boris Johnson?

I know him –
That can’t be
That’s the twat I saw on BBC
Since all those years ago
What was it? ‘95?
That “poor man” they’re going to eat him alive
UKIP rise, Corbyn falls,
The economy has shrunk so small
Osborne, Gove, and May,
Watch them run
They will tear each other into pieces –
Let’s all hide until it’s done

[whilst mildly sobbing] Da, da, da, da, dah, da, da, da, da, dah, dah, da…

Yeah, as the weekend passed I COULD NOT get the idea of King George out of my head. I even wondered out loud if Lin-Manuel had already seen all the references to good ol’ the King……

Hamilton quotes I want dressed up real artsy and put on a T-shirt




I’d rather be divisive than indecisive

I’m not here for you

Agreed! Though I think adding “Drop the niceties” would make the first one even cooler.

“Call me Son one more time!” XD

the entirety of Angelica’s rap in Satisfied



#ham4pamphlet – see the art – @jovaline

Reblogging a gif set of my face is quite possibly the vainest way I’ve ever mentioned that I organized a collaborative zine, but HEY everyone I organized #Ham4Pamphlet! Long story short, I got invited to go backstage at Hamilton and then in a blind panic, decided to gather a bunch of artist buddies to draw every song on the cast recording as a present. Check out the links above for more pics and info! I’m so grateful to not only the cast and crew, but to all the participating artists! You guys are the best!




now that is a labor of love by some extremely talented people, FOR some extremely talented people. shoutout to @buckybuns for illustrating “Alexander Hamilton”! and a big HURRAH to @jovaline for this thing called the #ham4pamphlet!