
We need to stop talking, we talk too much. Instead, we have to do something.

(requested by anonymous)



Loyalty that surpasses the stars.

I have a lot of feelings about space and Laika 


that is beautiful and soul-destroying.

please look out at the stars and remember our faithful little satellite friend, Laika.




on closer inspection, you can see that they used different takes for the individual scenes and the alternate take is somehow even more gut-wrenching


Okay but how amazing is this in terms of attention to detail?  Because very, very few people have a photographic memory, and the Winter Soldier – whose brain is essentially electrified pudding at this point – most certainly wouldn’t have total recall, even of a single instant that very clearly shook him, to the point of destroying his conditioning and requiring a full reboot.  This is the kind of detail that no one is going to notice who isn’t obsessively watching the movie over and over (aka, us), but they still did it – and maybe more painful still, the alternate take (Bucky’s memory) is quieter, somehow; it seems to be a take where Chris Evans is taking a quieter approach to the line.  Bucky’s rewriting the memory in his head, trying to work out how he knows “the man on the bridge” – and it isn’t his own name, really, that’s causing his confusion.  It’s Steve’s face, perhaps, but it’s the way he’s saying his name; the way he’s said it all their lives.  And maybe, just maybe, that’s why Bucky’s reworked the memory in his head, shifted it, just a little – made it softer, made it a little more quiet.  Because what has him in knots isn’t just this one, single moment; it’s the way that moment calls up echoes of his old self – the man who heard this voice a thousand times, who called him this, over and over…and, very likely, who said it a little more like in his memories: softer, more intimate.  Bucky’s taken away some of the shock; he’s focused on the part that’s truly confused him, all soft lights and blurred camera and utter impossibility: he’s focused on affection.

the first one is disbelief/incredulity; the second one is just ANGUISH

fuck ow


Celebrate Rogue One ♡ Jyn Erso ♡ Day 2: Home

Ohana means family. Family means
nobody gets left behind…. or forgotten

Home is where your family is.

hurts, still hurts *sobs*


She tried to remember how she’d kept radio silent during runs for Saw; how she’d managed to wait back at base for comrades like Maia and Staven to return.  But the vague, inchoate memories made her feel ill.  And even then she hadn’t needed those people the way she needed Bodhi and the Guardians and Cassian: to keep her on-task, to keep her from just surviving.

Be alive, Jyn thought.        All of you, be alive.

oh. ow.



/ please don’t tell me to leave you, ‘cause i will go where you go, i will live where you live, your fate will be my fate, i will die where you die and be buried beside you /

(This is a very beautiful, striking version of Ruth 1:16-17 and I just HAD to know what translation it came from. After a little googling, it looks like it was lightly adapted from the Contemporary English Version.)

well shit. Ow. (that counts as poetry, too, as the versions that I grew up with are.)