answering fanfiction asks from @ibonekoen​, @voxiferous​, and @celesticidal​ (and you can still keep asking, let’s keep this one going!)

1 What made you start writing fanfic?
I wanted to live in the worlds that I was reading about! The thing I keep saying is, I actually wrote my first fanfic as a response to a graded exercise at school. Must have been in the fourth or fifth grade. I wrote little stories about some of my favorite supporting characters in The Dragonriders of Pern (and man, am I ever lucky I never knew anything about the madness surrounding the author then). But I didn’t know what I was doing was fanfic – someone in high school had to teach me about the entire concept – but once I knew about it I really just decided I’d keep on expressing myself that way, having already made the first attempt. I haven’t looked back since.

(Yes, I’m a fandom old: I’m 36 now, which means I have been doing the fannish things for more than 25 years. I don’t ever want to stop.)

Which of your own fanfics have you reread the most?

Oh, I’ll be honest with you: it’s got to be my most kudosed story ever. It was a fluff-fest piece I did for MCU fandom: young hearts to yourselves be true – and if that’s familiar to you, then thanks! That’s my Steve-and-Bucky-get-deaged story and I reread it a lot because I’m fortunate that people are still commenting on it and kudosing it and everything :D

In FFXV I am currently rereading and rereading black madonna and golden knight, but that’s because it’s my big WIP and if I don’t reread it I’ll wind up contradicting myself as I push forward with the story! And now I am also rereading my NyxCor story, 

all of your flaws and all of my flaws, they lie there hand in hand – I don’t know why, I just wanted to! XD 

3 Describe the differences between your first fanfic and your most recent fanfic.
*blink* I think I still write lots of little snippets and mini-scenes, as I did with my very first attempts. But now – yeah, I know how to tackle AUs and crossovers and fusions, and sometimes I love those better than the canons because in the canons too many of my favorite characters die. Now I know how to really use language in order to bring the settings to life, and how to describe movement in both the story itself and in the characters. 

4 Do you think your style has changed over time? How so? 
Yes. See above. I mean: don’t get me wrong, there is something curiously satisfying and challenging in capturing the flavor of a moment and a scene, with freezing it in time and space like capturing a photograph. But now I think I do better when describing change, and movement, so the scene or the character shifts and shifts and tells a different kind of story – sometimes the story even changes from the beginning to the end of the movement, and I love the dynamic quality of that.

But that doesn’t mean – exclusively combat, or other big physical movements, mind you. A trail of thought or emotion is enough to drive a story or a scene. A small gesture, or a conversation of gestures, the same. I like to think my style keeps evolving, but – those are the goals, you know?


What do your fic bookmarks say about you?

That I don’t post nearly enough f/f fanfic XD. That I don’t feel adequate to do fic in some of my other fandoms. That I love some of my writer friends dearly and desperately. That sometimes I really won’t do anything else other than read fic in a fandom because – so much quality already, you know – I couldn’t possibly think of anything else to add to the conversation. That I hang out on TVTropes because some of those bookmarks come from various recommendation pages :D


What’s a theme that keeps coming up in your writing? 
Trauma, the repercussions of, the ways it distorts a character, the process of recovering from. Little details that show how that trauma has remained with a person – and sometimes, that show how the trauma has sort of diminished, has become less of a weight, but remains as a constant mark on the character/s. 

I wish I’d known to see trauma in myself as easily as I’d seen it in the various characters, scenarios, and AUs I had / have written about. 

14 You’re applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio?

*giggles* I linked the Steve/Bucky story already, didn’t I? So I have to pick four more???
the footsteps of uprooted lovers (Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr, an entire battalion of MCU characters, and an AU concept that came from the Takarazuka Kagekidan)
Rey’s Feast (Rey/Finn/Poe Dameron, way too many food references including ones from the real world, and how a foundling from Jakku learns how to live with all the beings in the galaxy, especially the ones in the Resistance)
Padmé Lives to Tell the Tale (Padme Amidala, Luke and Leia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Rogue One crew, and my unfinished what-if take on a queen who diminishes in terms of titles or power, but never diminishes in life, love, or badassery) 
oh don’t you wonder when the light begins to fade? (Noctis and the chocobros, sneakily a reincarnation story, and – I think – I really needed to get out my feelings about how Noctis sees his road trip companions and I did my best in this story)





i hate “accurate” shakespeare productions where all the actors are white guys. the reason women didn’t act in his plays was because it was illegal in that time obv due to misogyny, and we don’t want that to carry over. there were characters of colour that shakespeare specifically wrote. for example, othello was a part for a black actor and yet there r MODERN productions of othello where othello’s actor is a white dude in blackface.

shakespeare would be thrilled if he knew that modern productions of his works featured diverse casts, complete with not only female actors, lgbt actors, and actors of colour, but interpretations that have been tweaked to showcase modern issues that black communities, gay people, women, etc. face.

if you want to do something, do it. a midsummer production where they’re all lesbians? a romeo and juliet production depicting racial tensions? a twelfth night production where viola is and is played by a trans women? shakespeare’s ghost will give u a thumbs up. (plus his works are out of copyright so u can do whatever the hell you want with them whether he’d want you to or not.)

Would the Takarazuka all female theater be enough? Cause they pretty much do ANYTHING especialy Shakespeare:

Romeo & juliet:


Puck (Midsummer Night’s Dream):

Rome at Dawn (Julius Caesar):

The two noble Kinsmen:



Bi panic!

you rang, @voxiferous ? ^____^

tagged by vox!

tagged in this post by @voxiferous

What is your total word count on AO3?
May 5 2018 – 2 053 370

How often do you write?
Once a week, for two and a half days, with all the intensity I can muster, and not really stopping for naps or meals or whatever.

During the work week I sit down with my pens and a notebook and try to gimmick up story notes and concepts. This usually just devolves into making lists of scenes and characters, because I don’t outline at all.

Do you have a routine for writing?
Get home from work. Nap a couple of hours. Shower after nap. Make a cup of tea (PG Tips, hot, plus a packet of powdered milk and two heaping tbsp of sugar). Eat breakfast (or get it delivered). Kill an hour or two on social media. Then turn on music on full blast and get to writing. (I usually start off with Insomnia Ruins/Somnus.) Keep going until crash ensues, nap, rinse and repeat.

What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairings?
Kinks: I like giving head. Um, hand in my hair, pulling gently (or not). Lots and lots and lots of teasing. Being blindfolded. (Also being the one who isn’t blindfolded.)

Tropes: Fluff fluff fluff! Competence kink! Rule 63! Hidden depths for everyone!

Pairings: Oh man, I’ve been doing the fandom thing for 20 years so let’s not do the whole list. Right now, it’s Kalagang AND Sunwolf (Sense8), Promptis AND Gladnis AND Promnis (FFXV), Rebelcaptain (Star Wars Rogue One), and jedistormpilot (Star Wars The Force Awakens).

Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Right now it’s closing walls and ticking clocks, which is Rule 63 super explicit Promnis fic. (Prompto’s the one who got Rule 63’d.)

Your fic with the most kudos?
All-time kudos leader, and also the one with the most hits: young hearts to yourselves be true. Stucky, and if I say any more I’ll give the game away, so :P

Anything you don’t like about your writing?
That I wind up using words and phrases over and over and over again throughout a single paragraph, or throughout a story, or throughout a period of time of fics. (To the point where I wind up thinking, shit, this is self-plagiarism.)

Now something you do like (about your writing)?
That I can try to write most anything and everything I like to read. That I am damn good at action scenes. That I can write food fic!!!!

Tagging! @luninosity @notavodkashot @manic-intent and anyone else who wants :)

for the turn left thing, what would have happened if ravus wasn’t injured at the time that noctis and prompto met in the dancers AU?

If Ravus had not been injured, then he and Noctis would have been trying to get together. Trying being the operative word. There would have been plenty of awkward and painful conversations.

Which means Noctis is not there when Prompto starts dancing again, and when would they meet? I think either Lunafreya would have made the meeting happen, or Ignis. Those two (plus Nyx and Gladio) would form sort of a protective group around Prompto, and Noct will eventually wonder what they’re worrying about, and he finds out it’s a person, someone good and kind and strong but also dealing with shit.

All goes to say, there’d be a delay in the first meeting, and Ravus would wind up seeing what was going on and, and likely that would be the thing that preoccupies Noct, until the three of them have to be forced to hash things out, perhaps with some hard feelings. (Yikes.)

dance for your heart

turn left fic meme




April 2016: maiko Mamefuji of Gion Kobu with sakura kanzashi by  fragrantolive11 on Instagram

She’s now retired.

New blog is up! Visit HERE  🌟 🌟 🌟

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ  Geisha-kai on P a t r e o n || Instagram

@voxiferous I did mention vespers!Prompto wearing a cherry blossom hairpin, at some point – and so, behold! (those pastels would be QUITE striking against her dyed hair.)

Now I’m just straight up imagining Prompto as a geisha… it’s for an undercover mission or a disguise ;D

Oh man. *grins and looks at her references upon references* Or it could be a private thing for Noct. :D?


April 2016: maiko Mamefuji of Gion Kobu with sakura kanzashi by  fragrantolive11 on Instagram

She’s now retired.

New blog is up! Visit HERE  🌟 🌟 🌟

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ  Geisha-kai on P a t r e o n || Instagram

@voxiferous I did mention vespers!Prompto wearing a cherry blossom hairpin, at some point – and so, behold! (those pastels would be QUITE striking against her dyed hair.)




Joan Watson + POLKA DOT TIE! \(^ω^\)

Best dressed detective!

<3 She is sooooooo fricking dapper <3

This lady slays me now and always.