Part of the section on roses, from the “Smell” chapter of Diane Ackerman’s nonfiction book A Natural History of the Senses. Uploaded as a voice demonstration.

Please do not distribute without permission.


text in tweets:

#NationalComingOutDay Maybe you *can* come out. Maybe you *can’t*. Maybe you *choose* to come out. Maybe you choose *not to*. Either way: you are valid. You are strong. You are good. Have pride.

If you’re a -phobe or a hater of any kind: go fuck yourself. (And if you out people against their consent, fuck you even more, you piece of scum.)

(This thread includes lgbtqia+ people: hey, wtf are you doing, hurting your own, hurting your fam, hurting your own actual people? Please do better.)

once more with feeling

text in tweets:

#NationalComingOutDay Maybe you *can* come out. Maybe you *can’t*. Maybe you *choose* to come out. Maybe you choose *not to*. Either way: you are valid. You are strong. You are good. Have pride.

If you’re a -phobe or a hater of any kind: go fuck yourself. (And if you out people against their consent, fuck you even more, you piece of scum.)

(This thread includes lgbtqia+ people: hey, wtf are you doing, hurting your own, hurting your fam, hurting your own actual people? Please do better.)

I had some time to kill before my Friday night dinner so: voice clip recorded in public, over a coffee :D

Again, this one’s primarily for @voxiferous but hey come on in and give my voice a listen, if you’re interested in that kind of thing.

If you ever wanted to hear my voice, check this out – especially if you’re named @voxiferous!

(Includes a few phrases in Tagalog, one of the primary languages used for communication in the Philippines. Don’t worry, I also include translations for those phrases.)

(Also includes the distinction between my work-voice and my conversation-voice, for demonstration purposes.)